Van Effing Halen

Hello all. So I am officially back from my hiatus. I can say that I actually have been way busy with school starting and work (I am a working boy now) and moving into my new pad. But I will say that my absence has also had to do with my lazy ass not having the energy to blog. But the good news is that I will officially be blogging all of my outfits. Since I know your lives haven't been complete up until I just announced that. Moving on....

Here is my first outfit post. Enjoy.

Denim Vest, Flannel, and Van Fucking Halen Tee: Thrifted. Jeans: J Brand. Shoes: Urban Outfitters. Jewelry: Vintage/Flea Market. Man Clutch: Girl on a Motorcycle via Disarming Darling

Well there you have it, folks. Denim and leather and band tees = my life. So get used to it. 

So I suppose this would be a great time to discuss my views and opinions on personal style. Let me start this out by stating how much a really hate the word "Trend" or "Trendy." Absolutely loathe. Am I guilty of following trends? Ummmm perhaps. But I will say that I try my damned hardest to not let trends dictate what I wear. This past year has been an excruciating year of self-discovery. I tried to morph myself into what I thought, at the time, was everything that a "Fashionista" is supposed to be. Slowly I started to discover that it was boring to look like everyone else, and I didn't feel like myself for the longest time. So finally I said fuck it, I was done. I started wearing what I felt good in, what felt like home to me. What I wear every single day is my creative outlet. I like to have fun with it, and not take it so seriously. And my style varies from day to day, I can never make up my mind. And because of that my outfits tend to get pretty random. So with that said here goes my rant on trends....
disclaimer: Sorry if I start to ramble and make zero sense. It happens people.
My entire life, up until the past 6 months or so, I have limited myself to wearing only what was "in" or what the fashion magazines told me was "trendy for that season." I never truly gave myself the opportunity to discover my own personal style. Trends come and go every single season, but when you find your own style and commit to it and adapt that style over time, that makes you a true "fashionista." (even though I really do hate that word too) (Lots of word hating going on right now, sorry about it)
Now don't get me wrong, I love me some fashion magazines, after all I am a fashion student and my dream is to style for a magazine one day. And I love me some shopping and money spending. But I feel that people let those things interfere too much with them trying to find their personal styles. Ok, so the biggest misconception of style is money. No you don't need money to be stylish. I know it's really hard to hear that, but it's true. Some of the most stylish people I have ever met are the most talented thrifters I have ever stumbled upon. I am also one of the cheapest dudes out there. I have a rule against buying anything for full price. Basically I'm just saying that just because you're trendy, it does not mean that your style is any better or worse than the next person's. But I will say that being trendy will inhibit you from developing a style that will last over time, and finding one that sets you apart from everyone else.

So I guess to sum it all up, I just want people to stop letting the outside world dictate what they wear, and to just start developing their personal style. I hope this all made sense, but I must get my ass to work. And I'm not even going to proof read. Not sorry bout it. Maybe I can elaborate on this another day. Until then, stay classy San Diego (Anchorman, anyone? No? Fine.)

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Fall weather and creepers.

Hey there bloggers. So this is my second official blog entry, and I apologize that it's been so long. Since I know there are so many of you out there DYING for me to blog every single day (sense any sarcasm?) Moving on...

This next section would be dedicated to me stating how busy I've been this past week, and how I have had zero time to myself, and blah blah blah. But actually I haven't been too busy, and I've probably had too much time to myself. I started assisting a fellow stylist here in LA, who is a complete genius, her stuff is so good it's gross (and by gross I mean the most delicious stuff you've ever seen.) So I've done a few shoots with her this past week, and I have another one tomorrow. And besides that, I've just been watching too many movies and obsessively reading all of your fashion blogs. Which, I might add, are insanely inspiring and I wish I was as cool as most of you out there.

So with that, I leave you with a few pictures that have been inspiring me lately. With hopes that I might inspire you, maybe just a little tiny bit?
*Warning: complete topic change*
I'm so excited that this fall weather is finally starting to hit LA. Basically meaning the temperature has dropped from 95 to around 75 degrees. But that also means more layers. Layers are my everything. I live for them. And platform shoes. But I don't own a pair yet. YET. I have been thrifting my little bum off (and yes I do have an embarrassingly small bum) for the perfect pair of Creepers or knock-off Prada platform oxfords, but no luck. Come on people, there has to be at least someone who is tired of their amazing Creepers or knock-off Pradas? Anyone? Please? Pretty Please? Ok, enough rambling, I promise my next blog will have a purpose and direction. Eh, who am I kidding? I can't keep that promise.


 Note: Yes most of these images come from UNIF. If you don't know what UNIF is, then you are not welcome here any longer. Only joking, but seriously kids, get into it! I also threw in a few pictures from some blogs that I am obsessed with: jean greige and fahionlitter . Hope you ladies don't mind!
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.... Hi.

So this whole personal style blog shtuff is new to me. So just go easy on me here. Please?

Right, so the name is Jared. The game is fashion student slash stylist in LA. The style is 80's hair band & 90's punk, mixed with a dash of retro, throw in some thrifty hobo-ness on acid, and there you have it. So bad news is my camera has recently gone missing so you're going to be enjoying my posts via webcam photos. That is until I become a working boy and can afford a new cammycam. Cammycam? Yeah I guess. So with that I leave you with this self portrait. With bed head. And my most prized shirt.

Oh why yes that is a photo of Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren on muh shirt. Be jealous.    But we'll save that for a later date.                                          
Aaaaaand the glasses are from Warby Parker. It's a great site where you buy a pair and they donate a pair. Charity people! It does ya some good:                                        

That's all for today. Thanks for reading my first ever blog post. Sorry if I wasted your time. But I had fun, so ya know what; no, I'm not sorry. That's just the way the cookie crumbles folks.
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